Beauty Beyond the Ashes Podcast with Tonya B. Jones

S4 Episode 80 - Truth: It Should Make You Run FOR Jesus, NOT FROM Jesus!

Tonya B. Jones

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As this 4th Season of Beauty Beyond the Ashes Podcast comes to its end, I am so grateful for what God has done in my life and the lives of those who hear the message.

I have come to realize that "truth" is the impetus to healing. Truth is what opens our hearts. Truth is what moves us towards God. Truth is what transforms our lives. When we bring our truth, "Truth" meets us right where we are. The "Truth" I speak of is God's Word... the living Word of God.

And when we lead with Truth, it brings us to the feet of Christ. We are then forgiven, healed, and set free. We can then RUN FOR Jesus!!! 

I share a word of encouragement int this final episode of the season as well as information about my forthcoming book... 

Pearls in the Pews: Bringing Post Abortion Healing to the Church(ed).

Order your copy today at

Listen in each week and don't forget to SHARE, LIKE AND COMMENT!!!

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